Own a piece of the Wellington winelands with good water and fertile soil.
Around the entrance to the beautiful Bainskloof Pass you find a lot of very viable wine farms due to the good soils and favourable weather and here, a seller who needs to downscale has reluctantly opted to ask us to find him a family whom can take his farm, make it their own and turn it into a really viable entity whilst enjoying a high quality of life.
The farm has a lovely old Manor House that needs some T.L.C. and renovation to bring her back to her former glory. The house it nestled under some lovely old Oak Trees which are populated with many birds that make it sound like you are in an Avery when you go out onto the large stoep. The rock lined pool could easily be converted into a natural organic pool with reed beds and water plants on the sides enabling natural cleaning of the water instead with frogs and toads to enhance the whole natural vibe you feel while on the farm.
The main house has 3 large bedrooms with three bathrooms, a large lounge and dining-room together with an entertainment room. There is a fireplace in the lounge and dining-room and the most beautiful one in the main bedroom as well. The house needs attention but with some effort, you will have a place you are going to love to live in.
There is also a very nice rental home on the farm which is currently occupied by tenants which is also in a fantastic setting with this rental covering a slice of the monthly overheads one has.
The balance of the farm has a number of really nice sized barns/warehouses which house the tractors and farm implements keeping them out of the weather. There are some labourer’s cottages as well with 5 workers that you would want to keep on the farm as they are really experienced and help to make the farm run smoothly.
Water is not an issue with two fairly big dams which are fed from natural runoff out of the mountain plus a unique fountain is found which has bottled water quality water running out of it 24/7. This water has been tested and is perfect should you want to bottle the water and sell it on. There is also a 7ha Berg River water allocation which is adequate to water a large portion of the farm. There is an option to purchase another 3ha if required. The holding capacity for water on the farm can be increased by simply managing the incoming water from rainfall correctly and the repair and maintenance of the dams.
Around 20ha is under vineyard which generates income annually. The vineyards benefit from this farms location in that summer high temperatures are approximately 9 degrees celsius cooler on hot days. The evenings on hot summer days cool down quicker and there is even a dew precipitation during the month of February that is only heard of in coastal farms.
A potential of botrytis grapes (on Chenin Blanc) form during February in Wellington is unheard of. The late afternoon cooling breeze comes in from the coast and hits the farm just about where the red varietals start on the farm. If the dew is too heavy then even rotting stares in the bottom sections.
The South Easter is a common phenomenon in the Western Cape and the wind can howl during November to late January. Even that has a cooling effect on the surroundings.
The winter temperatures are warmer than the bottom of the valley although the temperatures stay colder longer. Collectively this creates a micro climate that is totally different to the great parts of Wellington.
The Chenin Blanc grape harvest on the farm starts when the greater part of Wellington is finishing. There is a difference of about two weeks.
The same can be said about the Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz grapes that are also harvested when the rest of the producers are finished. The average crop weights are 10 tons per hectare with grapes being selected for separate tanks because of quality produced. Besides the crop weights, the acidity levels is of such a nature that the wine makers are always astounded which has become possible because of good root development and sub-soil penetration. This is only possible because of the soil type. A lot of good biology and carbon levels were here and possibly this needs to be built up again which is not expensive to do and would be in line with good stewardship.
The crops grow chest high 1.5m which could be diminishing requiring the necessity to build on the soil fertility and to choose different cover crops.
The growth of the vines are very strong and even when the original design was done for the Shiraz, the distance between the vines was increased and even with this, the growth is so vigorous that one knows that the right decision was made at the time.
There is a portion of the farm which is mountain side and the mountain bikers ask if they can ride through the farm as it offers very nice natural bush areas which they just love. Walks are plentiful so keeping horses here will also work a treat.
There are two fairly large barns that were used to raise chickens which could be re-activated and there is also around 10ha of ground that could still be used to plant additional vines or fruit trees which will grow really well here.
With a little bit of focused input the reality of the farm can be realised and enjoyed to its maximum potential as a business and a home for one’s family.
Price: R10 400 000.00
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