This 87 ha farm between Stellenbosch and Paarl offers easy access from the N1 national road. As a result of its location, numerous options are available for the visionary investor. However, at present all the farming activities are geared towards the production of citrus, plums, pears and wine grapes.
The farm has been allocated 50 ha of water rights from the local irrigation scheme. Water is pumped from the scheme directly into the system on the farm when irrigation takes place. Additional water sources are a 40 000 cubic meters catchment dam as well as an equipped borehole with a registered annual delivery capacity of 22 000 cubic meters.
The different fruit varieties consist of 4,9 ha citrus; 4,7 ha lemons; 10,7 ha plums; 2,4 ha pears and 20,9 ha wine grapes. (the different blocks are fitted with a combination of computerized micro and drip irrigation). There is 6 ha cultivated land which is lying fallow at present. The remainder allows for unused dryland, buildings, roads and the dam.
Buildings include a homely comfortable 4 bedroom main house with a swimming pool, 2 other houses in need of attention, a shed as well as a lean-to. There are 9 labourer cottages (with tenure rights for 9 families).
The farm is currently managed under a lease contract that expires at the end of June 2018. No implements are included in the deal.
Price : R26 million (excluding VAT)
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