We have:
1) 1800 bottles of labelled Synthesis 2009 wine for sale. It is a blend of Mourverdre (38%), Shiraz(36%) and Grenache Both Shiraz & Mourvedre come from the Bot River area.
Aged in 2nd & 3rd fill French oak barrels for 12 months. The Grenache comes from Agter Perdeberg, Swartland – aged in 2nd fill French oak barrels for 12 months.
2) 1800 bottles Unlabelled 2010 Blend of (45%)Shiraz,(45%) Mourvedre and 10% Grenache- Both Shiraz & Mourvedre come from Stellenbosch. Aged in 2nd fill -SHIRAZ French oak barrels for 12 months, 3rd fill MOURVEDRE.
The Grenache comes from Agter Perdeberg, Swartland – aged in 2nd fill French oak barrels for 12 months. Please call Petro – 0765774206
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